In late April 2018, my good friend Dan passed away suddenly. Everyone was caught off guard and devastated by the loss, especially his mother, father, and three siblings. A week before, I had been laid off from my job, and my last day working was just a few days before Dan died. I never would have guessed that these two unfortunate events would have inspired an opportunity where I could help people through troubled times, while feeling fulfilled with a purpose and possibly making a living doing it.

During the week after Dan’s death, I remained on call for the family – driving people where they needed to go, bringing over food, spending time with all of them at their homes, and putting together pictures for a Memorial Slideshow and printed photos for the service. I found myself being thankful that I had been laid off from work when I was, so I could be there for this family that has always been there for me.

Over the past 20 years of working in mostly office settings, I have often found myself craving a position where I could help people and realize my purpose in life. I believe I have finally found this opportunity.

If you want a slideshow created for a Memorial Service, Retirement Party, Milestone Birthday Bash, Wedding Anniversary Celebration, or any other event, I would be honored to create a lasting memory for you. Please contact me at

Click below for additional slideshow examples:

In Loving Memory of Daniel Nathan Hogue

In Loving Memory of Carolyn Ladd Freeman

In Loving Memory of Betty Maurine Farquharson Freeman

Happy 42nd Birthday to Me!